
Trump the Sexual Predator?

trump-clinton-1024x576Trump the Sexual Predator, Grooming Pre-Teens From Cradle to ….. Is This So? Many locker roomers are dismissing Trump’s comments as garbage, some are even offended and a number of hockey players interviewed claim that Trump is “skating on thin ice.”

Perspective: The moral dilemma facing the American voter should not be ignored. As reported in Vision Newspaper we did look at how people in America have been viewing the current race to the White House.

Here is an in-depth look at the race to the White House at this stage from a moral perspective. Looking at both Candidates Hiliary Clinton 68, and Donald Trump 70:

  • Some blacks are disillusioned by the Democrats. They say their social and economic status has not changed much since Obama, the first black person to be elected president in the USA. Blacks are killed by police and black lives appear not to matter.
  • The Republicans on the other hand have to be looking down on the Democrats, saying their support for example of Obama Care is misplaced. They say they are for sound family values, firm on illegal immigration and strong on crime. Trump even promised to build a wall to shut out Mexicans, referring to them as “rapists and criminals”

Sexual Predator

Even as the videos and sound bites point to Trumps crude behaviour, which shows a pattern of misconduct that spans up to thirty years, he dismisses the evidence. Women are now coming forward, putting a face to these claims of sexual assault/ misconduct.

The exposure of Trump’s conduct is indeed an embarrassment to the Republicans. McCain, Ryan and other top Republicans are distancing themselves from him as if he possesses leprosy.

Trump has denied media reports that he is a sexual predator. He accuses mainstream media of ganging up against him.

Mr. Donald Trump never fails to highlight the immorality of Bill Clinton … yet he dismisses his own indiscretions.

Hiliary Clinton has her problems too. Her email mess and doubts about her truthfulness is being used by Donald Trump to deflect the voters from his wrongs.

We call this double standards. What I do is right but if you do the same or similar thing you are wrong and must be condemned.

Not Fit For Duty

The job of President of the USA, probably the most powerful person in the world needs to be seen as being held by a person who is seen as a positive role model. Such an individual is expected to portray the highest standards of morality and must be the gold standard that others are measured by. Trump is not seen by many as fit for duty…. certainly not for the job of president of the USA. Many including Republicans likely do not see Mrs. Hilary Clinton as such a person either.

Are they fit for duty? … is one more than the other?


Recent polls after last Sunday’s debate, the latest in the series (the second to be exact) show Hiliary leading Donald by over 5 percent. They were locked close to each other each other. The latest media revelations may give her a greater surge.

Interesting times are ahead in this race …Donald Trump should not be allowed to use Bill Clinton’s behaviour to stain Hiliary. Each tub must sit on its own bottom.


It is widely known that Trump has married three times and has children. That in itself is not immoral but speaks volumes of the man’s private life. Is Donald Trump the best example, in this regard, to emulate or be put up as a role model?

Hiliary Clinton has demonstrated real stability for sticking to her husband despite his much public “girly girly” behaviour. Hilary honoured her vows .. “for better or worse …” She has been married only to Bill Clinton.

Is she stupid for staying with her man?

Should we agree with Trump that his utterances were just “locker room talk?” A number of hockey players interviewed dismiss that claim … full stop! … some are even embarrassed at such a claim.

On the other hand, will we all accept that Clinton apologized for her poor judgement.? She accepted full responsibility for the email mess. Have we accepted that as the Justice Department said: “her conduct was not criminal?”

Are we faced with making a choice between the better of the two evils/devils?  Isn’t that what the choice is?

In my perspective, Hillary has experience and she is no sexual predator, and appears to pay her fair share of taxes. My choice is therefore quite clear.

What is yours?

Do let us get your feedback.

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

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