Ambassador Toni-Ann Singh A Great Move PM Holness
The decision of PM Holness and his administration to appoint Miss World 2019 Toni-Ann Singh as an ambassador at large for Jamaica is a great move. As an ambassador at large she will be treated extra special as she interacts with world leaders and other dignitaries. As an ambassador Toni-Ann Singh will get diplomatic treatment or the courtesies normally reserved for persons of diplomatic statue.
Diplomatic Passport
When Toni-Ann Sing visits foreign countries she will not only be seen as a representative of the Miss World Organization, but also Jamaica W.I. This is no mean designation. She will also be accorded the right to carry a diplomatic Passport. As the carrier of a diplomatic passport she will be entitled to swift immigration and or customs clearances wherever she goes. Toni-Ann Singh would likely be accorded diplomatic immunity.
United Nations
There is a United Nations Convention under the Geneva Convention that regulates the way diplomats or ambassadors are supposed to be treated in accordance with signed convention agreed on between Nations.
We are proud of Toni-Ann Singh for not only being ajudged the most beautiful woman in the world, but for the way she has carried herself including her utterances. We are confident that she will make an excellent world beauty, but also an excellent ambassador of Jamaica W.I. We wish her all the success and she embarks on her reign as Miss World 2019 and coupled with her elevation of being made an ambassador at large … she will be a force to reckon with.
We at Vision Newspaper Canada wish Toni-Ann Singh all the success. This is our perspective. What is yours? Feel free to disagree.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior National and International Correspondent for Vision Newspaper Canada.