African American News

BLACK ENTERPRISE Returns To Charlotte With Major Summit Announcements

BLACK ENTERPRISE President/CEO Earl “Butch” Graves Jr. Hosts Media and Business Leaders at Press Conference


BLACK ENTERPRISE, the premier business, investment, and wealth-building resource for African Americans, along with the Office of the Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, and Wells Fargo.


BLACK ENTERPRISE President and CEO Earl “Butch” Graves Jr. returns to Charlotte, North Carolina, to announce major developments with the 2018 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit and the exciting things planned for the city of Charlotte. The press conference will stress highlights of the Entrepreneurs Summit—including speakers and sponsors; how the Summit will be used to present opportunities to black businesses on national and local levels, including contracting opportunities through the Brooklyn Village development spearheaded by Don Peebles, the nation’s largest black real estate developer; a showcase of black eateries through Black Food Truck Thursday; BLKTech Charlotte; and scholarships being provided to minority startups.

As the nation’s foremost African American event for business information and networking, the Entrepreneurs Summit consistently attracts more than 1,000 of the nation’s most powerful corporate leaders, business owners, venture capitalists, and decision makers. The annual Summit is expected to deliver more than $4 million to Charlotte’s economy and heighten the profile of the region’s 13,000-plus African American- and minority-owned businesses.


Knight Theater, Wells Fargo Auditorium

430 S. Tryon Street

Charlotte, NC 28202


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Event Highlights

12:00 p.m.


– Earl “Butch” Graves Jr., President and CEO, BLACK ENTERPRISE

– Vi Lyles, Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina

– Don Peebles, Founder, Chairman and CEO, The Peebles Corp.

– James Mitchell, Councilmember

– Ella Scarborough, Chair of the Mecklenburg County Commissioner

– Regina Heyward, SVP, Supplier Diversity, Wells Fargo

12:40 p.m.

Q & A

The Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit is hosted by Nationwide and presented by Toyota with corporate sponsors Day Runner, FedEx, and Wells Fargo, and strategic partner Carolinas-Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Interested members of the press should contact Johann Alleyne-Morris at 212-886-9598 or via e-mail at

SOCIAL MEDIA NOTE: For information and updates shared from this event on Twitter and other social media platforms, follow @blackenterprise or search the hashtag #BEintheQC.

BLACK ENTERPRISE, your ultimate source of Wealth for Life, is the premier business, investing, and wealth-building resource for African Americans. Since 1970, BE has provided essential business information and advice to professionals, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and decision makers. Every month, BLACK ENTERPRISE magazine provides 4 million readers with information on entrepreneurship, careers, and financial management. A multimedia company, be also produces radio and television programming, business and lifestyle events, Web content, and digital media. BLACK ENTERPRISE is the definitive source of information for and about African American business markets and leaders, and the authority on black business news and trends.

SOURCE Black Enterprise

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