Breaking News: Delroy Chuck, Justice Minister Will Meet …
You will recall our recent post entitled ” Yes, Justice Centres, But Do not Chuck it, Please” …
This was with reference to the demolition of buildings in Stony Hill, West Rural St. Andrew Constituency held by JLP ‘s Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn as MP and former Olympian. This exercise is to give way for a Justice Centre and new Police Station.
Small Businesses
So twenty five small business operators will be dislocated if alternate accommodation is not provided to house these productive citizens. We should not make change be chaotic nor throw the baby out with the bath water. No way MP Cuthbert-Flynn. We support orderly development. We are sure you do too.
Justice Centres
There is need to focus on justice centres as this is critical to ensure citizens have a decent place to meet and settle their disputes. It is the dislocation of these unfortunate, landless souls that we find unacceptable.
We are delighted that due to our advocacy and exposure of this matter Justice Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck has stopped, looked and listened …. is not opposed to meet and to discuss his plans with the affected parties. Good job Minister, this is the right thing to do.
Hon. Delroy Chuck, MP is a senior cabinet Minister in the Andrew Holness administration.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.