EditorialJamaican News

Canada’s G7 Shame, Blocking The Needy From Cheap Vaccines

February 10, 2021 | Hopeton O’Connor Dennie |

Canada has always been seen as a country with a compassionate heart. Reports that the country is blocking off a considerable amount of the vaccine from the United Nations (UN) led COVAX scheme earmarked for the less fortunate third world countries and those considered too poor to compete for the purchasing of vaccines on the open  or world market competing with the first world or G7 countries. This reported development is shocking to say the least.  It should be noted that Canada contributes financially to this UN scheme.  A reported 3 million doses is the figure being quoted as being demanded by Canada.  Is this the classic case of myself and I first?  a type of Shylock mentality?  We sincerely hope not. You will recall the conduct of Shylock as portrayed by Shakespeare in his novel “Merchant Of Venice”. In a nutshell Shylock demanded his pound of flesh, caring precious little for the blood spilled.  It was pathetic to hear a Canadian spokesperson defending the country’s action. Had I not have a sound heart, my fate would be uncertain today.

Vaccine Diplomacy and Border Plan

This “me first” approach is closely followed by Canada’s announced position to close it’s borders to Mexico and other Caribbean countries until the end of April 2021.  This travel ban will cost Jamaica alone an estimated $350 million in much needed income. Coupled with this raid on the scarce vaccine available to the region by Canada, does not win for them many friends for you PM Justin Trudeau et al.  We do not question your right to act as a sovereign nation as you are, but we must examine the morality of your conduct and what do you plan to achieve going forward.  This is not enlightened vaccine Diplomacy. Is it really?

The last thing most expected was Canada to close it’s border to the Caribbean.

Jamaica Praised

There should be no gloating at the apparent success at stemming the  coronavirus by Jamaica. This could not be seen as being immodest either for saying what has been achieved by aggressively tackling the coronavirus, it’s due to sound leadership by PM Michael Holness and his Cabinet. Tough decisions have had to be taken.  We would therefore be far from honest if we did not state the facts as we see them.  When others were taking a wait and see attitude,  the Jamaican authorities were taking the coronavirus most seriously. For example: Mandating the wearing of masks and encouraging social distancing and regular hand washing.

Enlightened Approach

The Regional block in the Caribbean has been at the forefront on the assault on the coronavirus and associated pandemic.  Cayman has been doing excellently and Jamaica has been singled out for leadership in the control of the virus.  In fact Jamaica was listed in the top twenty countries whose exemplary performance has been recognized internationally. The approach of the Caribbean islands at tackling COVID 19 has been an enlightened approach. One worthy of emulation.

Harsh Treatment

This region does not deserve this harsh treatment by Canada. And if that was not bad enough they now face the prospect of vaccines being choked off by a G7 country Canada. We could say this is a double whammy. Certainly not a welcome piece of beef with patty. What has led Canada to have this apparent beef with the Caribbean? We patiently await an answer.


Many Caribbean nurses are in the forefront in Canada fighting the COVID pandemic. This is a slap in the face to this region and those who risked their lives to serve.  We cannot hide this fact and that the impact such a decision will have on small struggling island states whose economies have already been devastated by the downturn in tourism. Some 14 percent of tourists to the region come from Canada.  Jamaicans and indeed Caribbean folks have contributed much to the rich mosaic calling itself Canada.  They expect and deserve a better deal from Canada. Do you not share that sentiment?

Foreign Policy

Any foreign policy that does not reward friends with an enlightened approach to sustained prosperity that is mutually beneficial to the parties is backward thinking. Such backwardness should, and is rejected.  This approach does not “win friends and influence others” going forward.  To quote from the title of Dale Carnegie’s celebrated book.


We hope these decisions will be reviewed and a more sustained approach adopted sooner than later. We can do without such an unwelcomed gift at this time. More than ever they need caring friends to lean on in this their darkest hour.  They need to be embraced, not alienated in any way.  Is this asking too much?  They deserve a more compassionate and enlightened approach from friends. Canada has always been embraced as one such friend. There is much disappointment to put it mildly.

We wonder a loud if PM Justin Trudeau’s father,  also a former Canadian PM himself, Pierre Elliott Trudeau would have enacted what has been described to be a most  uncaring policy decision that has negatively impacted the Caribbean people by son Justin.

Is this shame and scandal in the family?  You be the judge.

Only death cannot be changed. Will this happen urgently?  Will Canada return to friendly ways?  We do hope so. The Caribbean can do without such treatment, especially at this time from at all places Canada.

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a veteran journalist with an international exposure.

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