Golden Corral Sued For Racial Discrimination Announced By Nexus Services
African-American family takes legal action in Federal Court, alleging racial discrimination in public accommodations in violation of federal law, after being subjected to racial discrimination and harassment by employees and management of the Golden Corral restaurant in Roanoke, Virginia
Leah Williams, Plaintiff (Williams v. Lipscomb, et. al)
Mike Donovan, President and CEO, Nexus Services Inc.
Mario Williams, Chief Civil Rights Attorney, Nexus Caridades Attorneys Inc.
Pastor Frank Jackson, Managing Director, Americans Resisting Minority & Ethnic Discrimination
Wednesday September 27, 2017 – 1:00 PM
Parking Lot across the street from Golden Corral:
1414 Towne Square Blvd NW, Roanoke, VA 24012
ROANOKE, VA – In a case that exposes a bleak reality concerning racial discrimination in our communities, Leah Williams and family suffered horrific racism at the hands of management and staff of the Golden Corral restaurant in Roanoke, VA. Falsely accused of stealing chicken wings by an overtly and publicly racist employee, the Williams family were jeered at, treated as common criminals, and after video evidence cleared them of the false allegations, banned from the Golden Corral restaurant in Roanoke without justifiable cause. The incident, much of it caught on tape by the Williams family, harkens back to a struggle in this country for fairness in public accommodations. While many believe this fight for justice has been long since won, this incident (and incidents like it that occur every day) demonstrate just how far we need to go to achieve fairness and justice in our communities.
Nexus Services Inc. is funding this lawsuit in order to protect the rights of minorities related to public accommodations in Virginia. The lawsuit is being funded as part of the company’s “Access to Justice” project. The company believes that civil rights statutory protections are meaningless if individuals who face discrimination are unable to bring their claims to court. For this reason, Nexus funds litigation where the rights of individuals must be protected. The company has a 24-hour hotline for people across the United States, who believe that their civil rights have been violated.
Mike Donovan, President and CEO of Nexus Services, said “Platinum Corral, the Golden Corral franchise owner, has a responsibility to lead in this instance. While they’ve had several weeks to investigate this horrific example of racial bias in public accommodations, their social media apologies ring hollow in the face of their continued employment of racists who have demonstrated their frank willingness to use their positions to discriminate against African-Americans in the community. Platinum Corral and their employees must be held accountable for violating federal anti-discrimination laws.”
Nexus Caridades Attorneys, Inc. is one of the largest providers of pro bono legal services in the country. Nexus Caridades, Inc. is committed to standing up for victims of abuse by government agencies and officials.
Nexus Services, Inc. is a leading provider of immigrant bail securitization and electronic monitoring. The organization funds Nexus Caridades Attorneys, Inc. as part of its corporate giving and in an effort to increase access to justice for disadvantaged people across the United States.