MP Ann Vaz Sworn In At Parliament
We have learned of the passing of Member of Parliament Annmarie Vaz for East Portland’s grandmother who was her mentor and strong supporter. This tribute to Annmarie Vaz is our appreciation for the role she played in guiding her granddaughter to success.
MP Annmarie Vaz has repeatedly said that her success is due to the guidance of her grandmother. We know that Annmarie Vaz is deeply saddened at the passing of her grandmother who has been described as her “second mother”. MP Annmarie Vaz is believed to be very close to her deceased grandmother who took her under her wings and gave her crucial maternal guidance when she needed this guidance most.
Photo Gallery
Pictures attached trace Annmarie’s quest and success for representational politics in Jamaica culminating with her historic win at the polls by over 800 votes in Eastern Portland previously held by the PNP for 30+ years. Considered to be a safe PNP seat.
We extend our condolence.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a veteran journalist who is also Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.