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Norman Horne Is Not Qualfied To Sit In The Jamaican Parliament

December 9, 2020 |By Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie |

Horne Is A US Citizen

Mr. Norman Washington Horne renewed his US passport on September 14, 2020 and used same to leave Jamaica to the USA in November 2020. This would make Norman Washington Horne’s  appointment as Senator-elect null and void.  Is this so? Over to you GG.

Cliff Hughes declared today December 9, 2020 on his Talk Show inter alia:

“Nationwide can now confirm that  Horne (he) is a US citizen. Cliff Hughes added that there a questions about his character .. he may have been stalling as he tries to renounce his US citizenship.  It is also known that he visited the US Embassy this week. He now has a new 10 year passport which he used in November 2020 to visit the USA. He returned to Jamaica on a Jamaican passport.”

Hughes concluded by inviting Horne to respond.


It is my unreserved perspective that this revelation of Horne’s citizenship is shocking to say the least. In my view this is a serious matter of grave national interest. The state of Jamaica is being treated as if a knife is being held at a victim’s throat by the Senate issue of which Norman Washington Horne was the central figure or player.

This is a serious betrayal of trust.  How could Norman Washington Horne be now trusted as a legislator or law maker after his alleged deception. He knew he is not eligible to sit in our Parliament … him being a dual citizen. Why hide this fact. There are documents to expose you Mr. Norman Washington Horne.  Stupid move!

Horne Refuses To Comment

Mr. Norman Horne has refused to come clean despite the disclosure that he is a US citizen and therefore has dual citizenship would make him ineligible for him to serve in Jamaica’s parliament. He has promised to give a full interview soon.


The Jamaican state is now in crisis as the Senate is crippled by the drama caused by Mr. Norman Washington Horne’s refusal to send a letter of resignation to the Governor General resigning from his Senate appointment made by Dr. Peter David Philips shortly before he resigned earlier this year as PNP head 2020.

Golding’s Character Attacked

Last night Norman Horne has attacked the motive and character of Opposition Leader Hon. Mark Golding in a news release sent to the media. He accused Golding of being a divisive leader unable to unite the People’s National Party (PNP). Dr. Dayton Campbell, Gen. Sec. of the PNP has refuted those attacks by Horne on Golding’s integrity and motives.


We condemn such perceived  hypocritical, and allegedly deceptive conduct of Norman Washington Horne. If correct, this is shameful to say the least.  If true we are ashamed of your conduct Mr. Norman Washington Horne.  If your citizenship issue is true,  you need to hang your head in shame. You needed to be upfront and honest. We invite your comment if we are wrong.  This is our perspective. What is yours?

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a keen observer of politics with an international exposure.

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