Perspective: Obama’s Kids White House Playground Donated to to Homeless Shelter
The report that the Obamas have donated a wooden playhouse to a shelter is good news. This leaves a good taste in my mouth. We feel that this is the right thing to do. Sasha and Malia are being taught life lessons as to the value of sharing.
This gesture is not surprising to us as the Obamas have been model parents who never seem to fail to pass on positive and wholesome values to their girl children.
This gift of a playhouse can be used by the whole community, both black and white … Latinos, Chinese, or any other ethnic group. They could have easily thrown same to the landfill but they choose a more altruistic route to have this playhouse serve the wider American society. A commendable move indeed.
Poll Rating
On an unrelated matter, President Obama has the third highest approval rating leaving the White House of 84 percentage points. Republican President Ronald Reagan is ahead of him.
Mr. Trump you cannot destroy Obama’s legacy. Try as you may, tamper with Obamacare if you wish … President Obama will go down in the annals of American history as one of the greatest presidents to occupy the White House.
Tamper with that fact if you can Mr. President-Elect Donald Trump.
We wish you luck!
What is your perspective? We invite your comments.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.
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