Perspective: Donald Trump Rhetoric Inflames George Floyd Protests
May 30, 2020 | By Hopeton O’Connor Dennie |
Donald Trumps Tweets
President Donald Trump does not seem to realize that what he thinks is his prerogative, but what he tweets are his thoughts, and if he doesn’t choose his words carefully he can inflame a rather volatile situation, making it worse. It is like throwing gasoline to put out a fire. Who in their sound mind does that? Even a first grader knows that.
Referring to people “as thugs” who are boiling over with anger because of institualized racism is very dumb indeed. Suggesting that “When the looting starts the shooting starts” is to put insult to injury. He should not need Twitter to tell him such can incite ” violence”. Just as you would not jokingly shout fire in a crowed theatre. We are not here endorsing looting or destruction of property by arsonist. Peaceful protests and in fact any form of protests can get violent. This is the nature of the beast.
Black Lives Matter
Angry black and visible minority young folks are no longer prepared to sit back and accept manure as if it is manna from heaven. They see their social and economic situation deteriorating daily. They are getting poorer by the minute and they are underemployed and when employed are underpaid. They are expected to clean up the manure and eat the crumbs from the white folks table.
If perceived or real flames fanned by inequality and systemic racism continues unabated then should the place begin to burn it would make the likes of Fort McMurray wild fires or the events in St. Paul Minneapolis look live dress rehearsals. Trust me. We are not inviting violence just warning of the possibilities which are real. We are agents of peace, but we think positive change is pregnant for delivery.