
Perspective: Out With The Old, In With The New ….

Happy Riddance Retards ….?

The PM Holness has been speaking for some time now about his plan to reshuffle his Cabinet.  This not an unusual exercise. It can bear good fruit, if properly executed.  You welcome the new …. get rid of the retards, eh!


The proposed changes were leaked to the media and the OPM communications people then come out like a “knight in shining armour” to confirm that which was leaked.  In this my final perspective on this issue, it appears to be that a coordinated media strategy needs to be more imaginative.  Leaking information repeatedly is very basic and could be seen as not having a real media strategy.  We expect better from a well organized media division.

Media Strategy

A press release to all media houses should be the road to be taken.  You leak the changes, get the comments and then come out and declare that the “leak” was not the official position or release from the Office Of The Prime Minister.  A form of deceptive or an underhand type of conduct. Most unfortunate indeed. We expect better from you all at OPM. Shameful!


Perception is everything, especially in politics. It is oftentimes more recognized than facts.  A friend called and said: “Holness dumped Shaw, who has done such a good job at Finance …him throw out the old and bring in the new.  It no look good”

Perception is a key component, especially when it relates to politics.  It is the optics that really counts at times.  Don’t worry about the facts. Precious few of your publics bother to focus on the real facts …. many of their decisions will be emotionally based if not just plain and simple gut feelings.  This is the nature of humankind.  In short it looks good, it sounds good and we/I will go along with it.  Such is the nature of the beast, calling itself “humankind.”
Fickle, fickle, fickle … may be illogical. Be my guest.

Fickle, and uncanny is their outlook which invariably defy all logic. In many cases the elector, consumer, public in general is correct in their apparent unscientific judgment.  This could baffle the mind …. and invariably it does. We need to recognize this fact whether we like it or not. This is similar to how juries operate and thus arrive at their verdicts in our courts. I have served as a foreman in jury trials.

Cabinet Reshuffle

This exercise is never an easy one. If you don’t you are damned and if you do there are going to be hurts.  What are you supposed to do in such a scenario.?  For starters it is what you want to achieve. Are you satisfied that the proposed changes will achieve the desired results.  It is my further perspective that this exercise should not be cosmetic or fashionable but have a real objective in mind. It must be transparent and has integrity …capable of standing up to scrutiny … like the Australian ball tampering scandal which although plotted secretly was caught by a TV camera and thus exposed. Good job!


The re assignment of the Hon. Audley Shaw defies all logic, despite the arguments in support of the changes it seems
not to be the appropriate move.

Will look deeper into this messy issue in subsequent posts.

Shaw has been gracious, congrats Sir. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You came, you saw and you conquered.  That is why today you are being honoured.  You are our honoree.
…… ……….
Audley Shaw &

Poetic Perspective

Man to man is so unjust …
You never know who to trust
Never let humankind be your focus …
In God you will always be robust

Never fall for the popularity fad
Just trust in God …
He will see you through …
An honour reserved for a few ….

Ah, ah, ah ….

By Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie who is a poet, satirist, Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

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