Perspective: Trump and the British Monarchy
The recent visit of President Trump to the UK and the mixed reaction to his visit, begs the question: Is the monarchy still relevant today.?
The recent marriage in 2018 of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle has given the monachy renewed visibility. This was a great media event and it went very well. Qudos to all concerned for a job well done. Harry and his afro-american bride now his wife Meghan, now a Dutchess did make a great spectacle.
Trump’s Visit
Many felt Trump should not have been invited to the former motherland. That is now water under the bridge. Was it Trump’s moral standing that was the real obstacle? We may never know. Trump advised them to be a tough bargainer with the European Union in their Brexit divorce negotiations. Was that an appropriate intervention?
Christopher Martin, recording artist states:
There are tines when leaving people business alone is the best thing to do. Is it always the best road to take.? You be the judge. Christopher Martin advises us to “Leave people business alone” in his very popular song which is a hit in Jamaica. I think the actual title/ or a line is “Chatty, chatty… Mouth a massie, leave people business alone” check Youtube for the full lines. Is this not interference in Britian’s internal affairs? Trump should have known better.
Will the brits listen to the American. He has had so many scandals attached to his name it is surprising that the weight of same has not dtagged him down a hole like a drain. Who would considet Trump credible enough to listen to his advice? Certainly not the brits, from my perspective.
The monachy seems very much alive. Canada still hold on to same and keep the Queen as head of state. Amercans have their own agenda, as his their right. They fought a bloody battle to leave the Monachy in the 1770s. Got independence in 1776. Good for them. They care little about the Monachy. So just stay out of their business. Should Trump not do so?
What is your feedback? Let us hear from you.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a keen observer of international events and personalities. See previously posted article. Enjoy! This is an updated as new events unfold.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie SIC Vision Newspaper Canada.
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