

Marcus garveyOf Expeditions And Conquests

Yes, we really have a responsibility to free our people … from mental slavery. This is a time for us to revisit more closely the teachings of Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Fidel Castro, Marcus Garvey, and Mayou Angelo . These heroes of colour have long pointed us the way to self-improvement, sel-reliance and self-worth. People of colour have long been looking down instead of up.

We came to the Caribbean in the hull of slave ships … in dehumanizing and deplorable conditions, to say the least.

Too many of us have a rich heritage that we do not know, and have a lot to be proud of as people of colour. Our heroes and heroines have stood up to the white imperialists like the British, the French, and the Spanish. They were the main colonizers who came on tgeir greedy land grabbing expeditions to secure wealth for their crowns … they all had monarchies.

Jamaica for example was “discovered” by the Spanish when Columbus in 1492 lost his way. In 1655 Jamaica changed hands to the British by Penn and Venerable …through their expedition to the West Indies. They held on to us until 1962 when we negotiated our political freedom and became somewhat Independent.


Haiti freed itself from the French colonizers about 1804, in a Revolution … but were severely punished. They were forced to pay reparations to France. A shameful act indeed by the French.

Former British PM Cameron does not seem to see it fit to compensate us for the atrocities of enslavement. They have little or no “respect” for people of colour.

Yes Queen Ayacodobae, we have been trying to free ourselves from mental slavery. People like you and Vision Newspaper have been playing their/our role to get the message across that we need to continue to free ourselves … we still have work to do. “To be free, free at last” Martin Luther King Jr. (see attached).

As usual, the verdict is yours.

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is senior international correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

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