Religious Focus:” Funeral Of Douglas A. Wright… “On Eagle’s Wings”
The memorial service held on Thursday, November 23, 2017 at St. Jude’s Anglican Church, Stony Hill, Jamaica W.I.for the life of Douglas A. Wright, attracted a large gathering. Quite a cross-section of persons from all walks of life, near and far. There was standing room only as tears flowed copiously.
Doug sang on the church’s choir and was a member of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. (BSA). A worldwide men’s organization in the Anglican Communion over 100 years to date.
“It is difficult to officiate at the funeral for someone whom you have come to know. At bible study we had quite a to and fro. In John’s gospel. John chapter 11. We all know of Lazarus. The picture on the wall there is this picture. Halo on the heads of Jesus and (an halo on) John. John chapter 20 vs 1 to 9. Mary Magdeline was the first to arrive at the tomb and to discover that Jesus’ body was missing. Verse 7 “Jesus was rolled up naked in a place by himself” He (Jesus) was later found with clothes on … this is the mystery of God. At funerals we tend to forget the mystery of God. I did a funeral service of a Don down town Kingston, they threw US dollars in the coffin. Yet their children are hungry. I know this to be so. Women wear red panties to avoid being sexuality molested. Look at this book on the screen: “The five things of dying …”Why men work so hard?
Single women may be saying the same things., Steve Jobs … “I wished I had the chance to express myself …” he was dying.
Jean Forbes, Chaplain to KPH, etc. “I experience what it is to speak to someone who had full blown AIDS. The residence complain he made a lot of noise, shouting at nights. He was fearful of dying. I told him to smoke marijuana at nights with the hope he will quiet down. He currently does and was not going to stop smoking anyway. People who have deep faith … tend to be more peaceful. The Eucharist is done in the name of God. We dress in robes of white. In the Book of Revelation and on the mount of Transfiguration depicts this image. On eagle’s wings .. that hymn captures what in my view what Doug’s life represented. In John 14, vs. 1 …”In my father’s house there are many mansions.” the preacher Khan Honeyghan concluded.
There was a sit down repast at church hall upstairs afterwards.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie SIC, was there and filed this story with pictures for Vision Newspaper.