Revenge Porn
We are hearing the news of a Jamaican man who posted naked videos of his ex-lover and threaten to kill her because she refuse to return them to him. Revenge porn it is called. He was convicted in Jamaican courts yesterday. He has a nerve. When does anyone own another? A relationship or a lover is property? Crazy! I hope he gets a long sentence. He is evil and stupid. I am glad he pleaded guilty to the crime. A real asshole he is. It is all so crazy … cannot rap my mind around that low down thinking. Wow!
This is a big story here in Jamaica. We seem to be the only country in the world with this type of legislation. Not even the USA has same. This is not a criminal offence in the USA. You just pay a fine like a traffic ticket. We in Jamaica are world leaders. We little but we tallawah. We take personal safety very seriously in Jamaica. Malicious communication is taken seriously. People have a right to have their privacy protected. This is a big blow to those who treat and try to say all manner of things about people on social media. Most of these things are false and cause reputational damage. Facebook or Instagram etc. We must curtail malicious communication …. it is a criminal offence in Jamaica. Free speech has to be responsible. That’s how it is.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is SiC Vision Newspaper Canada
photo from Jamaica Gleaner