Senior JCF Crime Officer Reassigned After Link With Mobay Cult Church? As Cult Leader Is Killed In Road Accident
October 25, 2021 | Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie |
His Excellency Kevin Smith has died. He was killed in a motor vehicle accident in a police convoy in Bog Walk, St. Catherine Parish. Today before noon Monday October 25, 2021. A police officer was also killed in said event. Two other police officers of the JCF are critical in hospital in Spanish Town Hospital, said parish they were all part of a convoy taking suspect His Excellency Kevin Smith to Kingston, to be charged criminally. Sad indeed!
Other Breaking News Item
A senior crime officer of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) has been reassigned from Montego Bay, St. James as it has been revealed that his wife was a member of the Pathway International Restoration Ministries. It is not immediately clear the extent of his involvement, if any in this cult drama and resulting disaster.
Picture Record
A picture has emerged of this JCF crime officer and His Excellency Kevin Smith, so called Bishop of the Pathway International Restoration Ministries, Montego Bay, St. James. In short this JCF Officer cannot claim to not know Kevin Smith. You will recall that another female constable has been detained and her officially assigned firearm which was on her person at the cult service when it was raided by police, was seized. The charges she faces, if any are not immediately known.
Was her assigned firearm used to shoot at the police?
Criminal Charges
His Excellency Kevin Smith has been detained so far and faces serious criminal charges.
1) Accessory after the fact
2) conspiracy to commit murder
3) incitement to commit murder, and other possible related charges.
If convicted he could spend 10 years or a longer time in prison.
It was felt that the reassigned crime officer may influence the murder investigation against the accused.
Did His Excellency Kevin Smith die as he lived?
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a poet, elegist journalist, author and senior international journalist who writes for Vision newspaper.