State Visit of Kenyan President (Aug 5th-7th, 2019)
The President of the Republic of Kenya His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta and Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta his wife are currently in Jamaica on a State Visit. The visit is multi- fold 1) On the invitation of PM Holness 2) To attend our 57th Independence Celebrations and visit places of interest. For example to lay a wreath on the tomb of National Hero, The Rt. Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey one of his mentors.
Bilateral Talks
There were the usual rounds of bilateral talks which were held. These talks ended with framework agreements covering a wide range of topics. Speaking exclusively to Vision Newspaper’s Hopeton O’connor-Dennie Jamaica’s Foreign Minister Hon. Kamina Johnson-Smith stated “A number of framework agreements for technical & economic cooperation covering the areas of education. Health, Tourism, Sports. Culture & Agriculture.” Ministers Bartlett for Tourism and Grange for Culture were on hand along with Johnson- Smith for Foreign Trade to sign their respective heads of agreement(s).
PM Holness also signed the agreements and welcomed the Kenyan president. In response he briefly outlined the 43 years of association between Jamaica & Kenyan and hoped for a “deepening” of these ties especially in the areas of sports and trade …. he also invited PM Holness on a State Visit to Kenya.”
Further details will be forthcoming as they become available or at a later date. The president and delegation depart on the 7th for Bridgetown.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a veteran journalist andi Senior International Correspondent for Vision Newspaper Canada.