The First Black Woman DA in Alabama History Wants to Shake Up the Death Penalty

Vision is pleased to be associated with Ms. Lynneice Washington who has been democratically elected to the bench in Jefferson County, Alabama, to this white men’s club. Five black men were executed over a relatively short period. Is it that white folks do not commit serious crimes? Is this just a mere coincidence or unadulterated racism?
We hope and pray that female Judge Washington will make a real difference in this very white county.
Justice in our view should be colour blind. It is not about black or white … it is really about ensuring that all get a fair shake and the rights and freedoms of all are respected.
Judge Washington is now in the big chair and in a unique if not powerful position to make a difference. She is now there, and to whom much is given, much is expected.
We congratulate the people of Jefferson County, Alabama, USA.
for having the vision to put some colour on their bench.
It is an idea whose time has come.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.