Caribbean News


June 1, 2020 | By Colin O Jarrett |

Vlora Citaku, Ambassador of the the Republic of Kosovo to the USA
Anton Edmunds, Ambassador of St Lucia to the USA

Two Caribbean countries signed an agreement that allows holders of diplomatic and official passports the ability to travel to and enter the territory of the other party without the need for a visa.

HE Anton Edmunds, Ambassador of St Lucia to the USA and HE Vlora Citaku, Ambassador of the the Republic of Kosovo to the USA signed this visa waiver agreement while observing the necessary physical distancing protocols associated with mitigating against the spread of COVID-19.

Saint Lucia established diplomatic relations with Kosovo on August 19, 2011, and this agreement on facilitating diplomatic and official travel is viewed by both parties as another step in the deepening of this relationship.

The establishment of visa-free regimes with other nations is part of the Government of Saint Lucia’s effort to expand its diplomatic footprint.

Contributed by HE Prof Colin O Jarrett

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