USA’s Hoisting Of Rainbow Flag Is Causing a Firestorm … A G Forte Thinks Ja. WI. Laws Being Violated … Move “Insintivite”
In the wake of the Florida, USA Massacre in which some 49 gay supporters and persons attending the night club where a lone gun man did the shooting there has been a great controversy about the hoisting of the gay flag. The USA decided to fly the Rainbow Flag, symbol of the gay movement.
Joshua Polishenki said “it is a form of solidarity with the gay community”
A visit to the precincts of the US Embassy shows the rainbow flag hoisted below the US flag on the same flag post. (See picture sent with this story).
The PNP’s Opposition Spokesman of foreign affairs Dr. Maurice Guy sees nothing wrong with Gay flag being flown in Jamaica at the US Embassy.
The PNP’S position on Gay Rights are well known.
Attorney-General Forte has gotten flak but strong support also. PNP Senator KD Knight said PM Holness should fire Forte. There is no love lost between Knight and Forte both former Senators. Forte is now an MP.
Lawyers Christian Fellowship has supported Minister Forte. Helene Coley Nicholson frowned on the US for their action.
US Decision …
Their (US) decision is in response to the shooting of 49 Gay revellers at a night club in Florida, USA last weekend … Police killed the suspect shooter of the 49.
Jamaicans are ardently against homosexuality. We are regarded as a Christian country. Gays and their lifestyle is respected in Jamaica as we believe in freedom of thought and association. Homosexuality is not illegal in Jamaica. Gay marriage is illegal.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.