Absalon White Jr. to Make Special Appearance at This Year’s Phoenix Fan Fusion
CASA GRANDE, Ariz., May 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Grab your badges, because 21 year old African American comic book writer, Absalon White Jr. (instagram.com/absalonwhitejr) will be making a special appearance at Phoenix Fan Fusion (formerly Phoenix Comic-Con) Sunday, May 29, 2022, boasting an hour long solo panel, to promote his latest comic book, Instant, released worldwide on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SKJS3D4) the Kindle app, and Comixology, this past February 14, 2022. In his solo panel, a moderator will be on stage picking into the brain of Absalon White Jr. to learn about the future of his comic book universe, Verendus Comics, hoping to get him to tease the next issue of Instant and future superheroes to come. Additionally, a special 30 minute Q&A with fans will be held to close the second half of his panel. The official trailer for Instant will also make its Comic-Con debut.
“I’m excited to make my Comic-Con debut.” Absalon White Jr. said. “Comic-Con has always been a dream of mine to attend, let alone get my own solo panel. It’s all very surreal and I’m still kinda processing it all and taking it all in.” When asked what fans could expect from his solo panel this is what Absalon White Jr. had to say. “No, it’s gonna be great! Fans can definitely expect to get to know me better as a person, get to know the process of what it was like to write Instant, and also get a sneak peak of what’s to come in the future, regarding Instant and other future superheroes. I really am just scratching the surface of what to expect from my panel and also trying not to spoil this epic panel!”
Absalon White Jr.’s panel could fill up soon, so it’s best to order your membership badge now, at (https://www.phoenixfanfusion.com/buy).
You can follow Absalon White Jr. on Instagram (instagram.com/absalonwhitejr)
SOURCE Absalon White Jr.