Grenada benefits from a sum of 25 million US dollars.
May 29, 2022 | Colin O. Jarrett | Grenada is to benefit from a sum of 25 million US dollars from the World Bank.
This amount represents the First Recovery and Resilience Programme Development Policy Credit.
Before the pandemic, Grenada’s steadfast reform path to building economic resilience had attained solid growth, debt sustainability and poverty reduction.
The financing will help support the country’s recovery by promoting a greener and more climate-resilient economy, improving sustainability and greater accountability of fiscal management.
USA / GRENADA —The World Bank’s board of executive directors approved the financing of US$25 million for Grenada’s First Recovery and Resilience Programmatic Development Policy Credit. Before the pandemic, Grenada’s steadfast reform path to building
— CaribbeanNewsGlobal (@GlobalCaribbean) May 25, 2022
Colin O. Jarrett is Caribbean News Editor with Vision Newspaper