July 22, 2020, | By Charity Lebeanya |
The 9th Annual Afro-Carib Fest is going virtual this year!
Heritage Skills Development Centre (HSDC) is excited to present the award winning Afro Carib Fest on Saturday August 22, 2020 from 3 PM to 9 PM. Please join us as we celebrate the culture and diversity of Afro-Caribbean communities and beyond through showcasing arts, music, dance and our cultural heritage. The event will be broadcasted LIVE on YOUTUBE and TWITCH to communities all over the world.
Afro Carib Fest is the first of its kind, that merges the African and Caribbean cultures together in celebration of our heritage. The theme of the event is “celebrating our diversity”. The event will engage audiences with live musical performances and fun filled, interactive activities, while appreciating the richness of the cultural fabric that strengthens the fibers of our communities.
In light of the current issues of racial inequity, discrimination as well as the challenging times due to the Covid- 19 pandemic, our event aims to bring people together in unity, celebrating and showcasing positive images of the black community. The event is also an important avenue to support local independent black artists and other artists of colour that have been financially impacted by the pandemic, through providing opportunities for them to showcase their talents in innovative ways.
HSDC delivered a successful virtual event in celebration of Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27th, 2020. The event received amazing feedback from artists and communities across Canada that participated. On August 22nd, we plan to deliver inspiring and entertaining moments to showcase the strength, pride and culture of the African and Caribbean Communities. Please join us and help to share event information among your networks.
For event updates, please follow us on Facebook: @AfroCaribFestival and Instagram: @Afrocaribfest and Also, subscribe to our YouTube channel (@HsdcEvents) to gain direct access to the event when it goes LIVE.
Heritage Skills Development Centre (HSDC) is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote the arts, health, social, cultural and economic self-sufficiency of new immigrants and marginalized groups in the Greater Toronto Area. For more information, please visit www.hsdconline.org.
Charity Lebeanya is Executive Director for Heritage Skills Development Centre