Bunting Has No Love For Dr. Phillips
As the pressure of excellent performance by the Andrew Holness led JLP continues to consolidate the PNP has turned to infighting. There has been.disquiet in People’s National Party (PNP) circles for some time now that Dr. Peter Phillips is not vibrant enough to unseat PM Andrew Holness now or in the near future. The recent loss of Eastern Portland to Annmarie Vaz of a safe PNP seat has not helped to reduce the pressure on Dr. Peter Phillip, Opposition leader and party president of the PNP to go.
Opinion polls have shown Phillips trailing Andrew Holness by double digit margins. Peter Bunting, Central Manchester MP had allegedly entered a pack with Dr. Phillips to not contest the leadership of the 81 year old PNP when Portia was “pushed” out as party leader. Dr. Phillips was crowned as President with no internal election for party leader held. Recent poll shows Phillips is at 19 percent electable and 50 percent disapprove of his leadership. Andrew Holness’ approval rating is 50+ percentage points. If a General election were to called. Phillips would lose bIg time based on the poll findings.
Move To Unseat
Bunting now feels it is now his time to make
his move to unseat Dr. Peter Phillips. It is a gamble but Peter Bunting feels he has a good chance of winning based on the polls.
Michael Williams who is chairman of a minor third party NDM said “Holness should call a snap election in November while the PNP are in disarray.” Bunting said Dr. Phillips is not electable should an election be called. General Election is due 2021. The PM can call it anytime he chooses by law.
In my perspective the PNP is free to do as it wishes. They did a very poor job generally for 18 years when they held power. It is JLP time and the economy and jobs are doing well. The JLP has been in office since February 2016. What is your perspective?
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent for Vision Newspaper Canada.