Chief Justice Hon. Bryan Sykes speaks to Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie exclusively at Parliament
February 18, 2021 | Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie |
The Chief Justice if Jamaica spoke to me at the Official Opening of Parliament exclusively. He had this to say:
HO’C-D: What about your trial date certain plan?
“The onset of COVID 19 has delayed somewhat trial date certainty objective.”
HO’C-D: Going forward what are we to expect?
CJ: Within 3 to 6 months all written judgments will be delivered.
HO’C-D: Can we hold you to that Chief Justice?
CJ: Yes you can.
HO’C-D: What about divorce matters.
CJ: These are also Civil related matters. Other complex matters will take longer. Like jury trials.
HO’C-D: Thank you Chief Justice. This is good news.

The commitment of the Chief Justice Hon. Bryan Sykes to efficiency in the Justice system is commendable. The delivery of justice services is critical to reduce violence in our society. There is no need to take matters in one’s hands if the system of Justice is working and dependable. We look forward to these improvements as Justice impacts us all.