Canadian NewsEditorialFeatured

Mitzie Hunter For Liberal Leader

African Canadian News
Mitzie Hunter – Ontario’s Minister of Education

As the provencal Liberals consider filling the vacancy left by Kathleen Wynne at least two persons easily identified as of African decent have thrown their hats in the ring.
To some this could be a breaking news item if you have not been following Canadian politics. The latest applicant is Ms. Mitzie Hunter, former cabinet member in the Wynne administration who has offered herself to be party leader.

Who is Mitzie Hunter?

She was most recently the Minister of Education in the Wynne Provincial Government.  They lost the election to Doug Ford hence being out of power.  Hunter is dark skinned and is considered very bright. Wynne had a lot of confidence in Hunter.

Education Minister 

As Education Minister Hunter was very concerned about leveling the playing field as it relates to race and offering equal opportunity to all. Colour of skin to Hunter meant very little.  She was focused on quality education to all. She embraced First Nation children/community and the disabled in a most strident manner.  She stayed true to her cultural values.


It is said that like most Canadians are from various countries. Hunter is of Jamaican background.  As a Jamaican I am proud to see my countrywoman aspiring to be leader of a major Canadian party.  Ontario is the largest province in Canada. That is a big deal. Ontario has a diverse population of various cultures.  Will they accept Hunter and give her the knod for the top job?


It is our further perspective that it would be a shame for Hunter not to be embraced by all.  She is qualified and deserve to be embraced with love.  Will this happen?  What is your perspective?  This is ours.

We wish Mitzie Hunter all the success in her bid to lead the provincial Liberals.  This is an idea whose time has come. Doug Ford is a disappointment.  Are his days numbered?

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a Jamaican & SIC for Vision Newspaper Canada. 

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