Christopher Daley makes it to Semi Finals in international Comedy Competition
After announcing in September that he was selected as one of over 80 comedians worldwide competing in the Laugh Factory’s ‘Funniest Person in the World’ competition; Actor, TV and Radio personality, Christopher Johnny Daley, is now pleased to reveal that he has made it to the second round of the international comedy contest!
With 89 international comedians from 56 countries entering Laugh Factory’s “The Funniest Person in the World” competition, Chris admitted that he was a tad nervous about his chances especially when it is difficult for an international audience to fully understand the Jamaican Patois.
“I was originally concerned that the language would have been a barrier however now having made it to the top 20 semifinalists I think the language may have been what pulled persons to watch my video entry over and over again and increase the votes!” Chris commented
This is the first time this talented comedian and actor has entered a contest of any kind and so the idea of campaigning for online votes and going up against other comedians is new to him; a challenge however he has certainly taken on with fervor.
With his immense popularity in Film, Radio, TV and the Theatre in Jamaica, the Caribbean and the Diaspora, Christopher Johnny Daley believes that this also accounted for many of the votes that qualified him to now compete in Finland this December.
This will also be Daley’s first time in Finland and its capital Helsinki, already he is doing the needed research to be prepared for the semifinals and then the finals with the hope of taking home the grand prize of USD $100,000.
“At this stage of the competition its 50% online voting and 50% on stage in Helsinki, so the campaigning continues. I am also preparing material that can connect to that audience. I’m working closely with Tony ‘PaleFace’ Hendricks and Dr Michael Abrahams to balance the language, the content and the delivery so I’m very confident right now” Daley added
With this international highlight on Jamaican and by extension Caribbean comedy, Chris hopes to put our talented comedy players on the world map and already by making it to the semifinals of this highly recognized competition, the process has begun.
Christopher Johnny Daley needs your votes to continue on his journey to become the Funniest Person In The World. Go to and scroll down to Jamaica to vote for Christopher Johnny Daley , voting ends on December 5, 2016. For all updates on his journey to Helsinki Finland follow Chris on social media @chrisjohnnydaley.
We are elated that our born Jamaican has so far kept our flag flying high. Hats off to you Sir Daley we are sure you will beat the odds and come out on top.
We at Vision believe in you and will continue to support your campaign. We do the good Lord to be with you as you approach the next hurdle.
You are from the rock and as such you are solid. Congrats so far and we await the results with great expectations as you go to the finals.
Commentary is by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie who is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.