People at Heart of Gov’t’s Growth Strategy – Malahoo Forte
Attorney General, Marlene Malahoo Forte, says improving the quality of life of the Jamaican people is at the heart of the policies being pursued by the Government to achieve sustained growth and development.
“When we speak of prosperity, we are not speaking of it in abstract. Economic growth that translates in higher education, better healthcare, improved infrastructure, and improvements in the standard of living of the people is the surest pathway to prosperity,” she said.
She was delivering the keynote address at the Jamaica Employers’ Federation (JEF) Convention and Expo, under the theme ‘People, Purpose, Growth – the Pathway to Prosperity’ at the Montego Bay Convention Centre on May 4.
The Attorney General said that while economic growth is measured in terms of job creation and real gross domestic product (GDP) outcomes, “we must also factor in improvements that come… through enhancements to education, productivity improvements, health and social infrastructure, and protection of our national environment”.
“We must remain focused on rebalancing from direct to indirect and to allocate more for social spending, in order to insulate the poor and vulnerable from the rebalancing to indirect taxes,” she added.
Mrs. Malahoo Forte said the Government is also cognisant that to achieve its economic targets, it has to create an ethos where communities are safe, where children and women are protected from abuse, where the justice system is reformed, and where there is investment in law enforcement.
“The Government is also aware that we must develop national standard curricula in our education system; transform and modernise our public sector; make the law on occupational safety and health a reality, so that our workers can be better protected; expand social protection and protect our senior citizens, so they can continue to contribute to nation building,” she added.
Article by: Gawin Davis
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