VYBZ KARTEL TRIAL: Defense Rips Detective Corporal’s Testimony
Vybz Kartel trial update.
Defense attorneys Tom Tavares-Finson and Pierre Rogers had a field day withDetective Corporal Shawn Brown on the witness stand.
Brown, who is from the Organized Crime Investigation Division (OCID) of the police force, took the witness stand last week where he delivered a PowerPoint presentationof some damning text messages alleged sent by Clive Williams, Shawn Storm, Vybz Kartel and Williams’ girlfriend.
The cybercrime cop ended his testimony yesterday but not before defense attorneyschided him for misleading the court.
Attorney Pierre Rogers, who is representing Kahira Jones, pressed Detective Shawn Brown about his testimony.
Here are some excerpts from the exchange:
Rogers: “Do you agree with me that within your analysis wittingly or unwittingly you have taken certain things out of context?”
Brown: “No sir I do not agree with you.”
Rogers: “Do you agree with me that you have taken it out of context?”
Brown: “In relation to that issue yes.”
The issue was regarding the text message allegedly sent by Shawn Storm regarding his daughter Lizzy. However, Detective Shawn Brown initial presenting the text referring to Clive “Lizard” Williams.
Rogers: “Do you agree that certain things that beg explanation you choose not to put it before the court?”
Brown: “No sir I did not.”
Rogers: “Do you agree that in the interest of fairness it should have been highlighted to the jury?”
Brown: “I did not make a detail analysis of that.”
Rogers: “Your analysis of this document has been unfair and is incomplete.”
Brown: “I’m not agreeing with you sir.”
Rogers: “You sir have one aim in mind and that is to give evidence to secure a conviction.”
Brown: “I put the information to the court.”
The text messages at the heart of the row between the prosecution and the defense turned out to be Shawn “Storm” Campbell speaking with the mother of his daughter and girlfriend about their daughter school supply.
“How much fi deal with every ting fi Lizzy,” Shawn Storm text on August 16, 2016.
Kartel, born Adidja Palmer, along with Shawn “Storm” Campbell, Kahira Jones, André St John, and Shane Williams are all on trial for the August 16, 2011 murder of Clive “Lizard” Williams.
Police say Williams was beaten to death a Vybz Kartel’s house in Havendale over two missing firearms believed to be belonging to the deejay.
Police has yet to find his body.
For the original report go to http://urbanislandz.com/2014/01/21/vybz-kartel-trial-defense-rips-detective-corporals-testimony/