Breaking News: National Security Minister Robert Montaque/Police High Command anxious to deal with Honduran Vessel full of petrol which is in Jamaica’s Territorial space. The vessel was intercepted over last weekend

Energy Minister Shows Interest
In a late development Dr. Andrew Weatley has commented on the petrol … he is the energy Minister. “I am concerned about the shipment and has instructed that the petrol be tested by the State Refinery PETROJAM … I have concerns regarding the integrity of the petroleum and the industry in general”
The Energy Minister is yet to release the report on Bad Gas which rocked the Portia Simpson Miller led PNP administration as motorists forked out millions to repair their vehicles with no assurance of compensation due to contaminated or bad gas.
The crew of the vessel is being detained pending a thorough investigation into the real reason that it is our territorial waters. They said it was experiencing a mechanical breakdown. Other crew interrogated has given a different account for being in this area so close to Jamaica.

Robert Montaque had accused the PNP administration of dealing with the terrorist organization known as ISIS when the bad gas scandal broke. The PNP denied this accusation flatly.
Since the turmoil with alleged Islamic Terrorists … events in the middle East and elsewhere, there is the real possibility that petrol/oilfields now in the hands of new conquerors or black marketers et al could find its way in small island States, who are reeling from high petrol prices. A deal could be struck to sell at reduced prices to undercut the competition. They need to off load this stuff for cash quickly as it is a perishable commodity.
Trade Barriers
There has been a relaxing of the petroleum industry in Jamaica and this makes purchasing from unknown sources much easier. Getting a licence if that is even required is the only obstacle. The importer needs to pay the required fees to customs and then they and their commodity are on their merry way to flood the market. It is the quality of the product which is regulated from a government stand point that really matters in the final analysis. This is called “liberalization” … where borders are open in an effort to breakdown barriers to world trade. Protectionist policies can hurt the consumer. Protecting certain markets and products has long been outlawed.
Jamaica’s oil bill runs into the billions annually as it has to be imported lock, stock and barrel.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie SIC & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada is monitoring this rather intriguing developing story and will keep Vision readers updated if further developments occur.