International Anti-Corruption Day – December 9, 2015
Kingston; December 9, 2015 – In recognition of this year’s International Anti-Corruption Day, the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) have been spearheading a number of activities globally to mobilize the international
community against corruption. To this end, the Office of the Contractor General (OCG) joins the global
observance of December 9, 2015, as International Anti-Corruption Day, with a view to raising public
awareness on the issue of corruption. In so doing, the OCG, along with its partners- The UNDP, The
Ministry of Justice, The Major Organized Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA), The Canadian
High Commission, The British High Commission, The European Union, The Community
Empowerment and Transformation Project (COMET II), The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
and The National Integrity Action (NIA) has initiated a number of activities in this regard. In particular,
the OCG, with the support of its partners, will be unveiling three (3) Anti-Corruption Billboards in
Kingston and Montego Bay. Formal ceremonies will be held at the Pulse Centre, at 38A Trafalgar Road,
New Kingston, and in the vicinity of Doctor’s Cave Beach Hotel, at 10:00 a.m. on December 9, 2015.
The three (3) Anti-Corruption Billboards will be erected at the following locations:
a. 38A Trafalgar Road, New Kingston, in the vicinity of Pulse, on the Right Hand Side, facing
traffic travelling to Waterloo Road.
b. 74 Red Hills Road, opposite Calabar High School, on the Left Hand Side, facing traffic travelling
to Half-Way-Tree.
c. 53 Gloucester Avenue, Hip Strip, on the wall of Doctor’s Cave Beach Hotel, on the Right Hand
Side, facing traffic travelling to Sangster’s International Airport.
The OCG, again with the support of its partners will convene two (2) Youth Fora, one at Cornwall
College and the other at the Edith Dalton James High School. Through this medium, the OCG and its
partners seek to urge youth participation in the global fight against corruption, with a view to positioning
them to become standard bearers of integrity, transparency and accountability.
It is the firm belief of the OCG that a day such as this warrants our most fulsome attention. Primarily
because of what it symbolizes. It is a day which showcases the determination of people worldwide to stand in solidarity against a most crippling of enemies, the enemy that is corruption.
This day proves that the global community is not sleeping and that the OCG remains energized in
denouncing corruption, which it hopes will ultimately result in “Breaking the chain of corruption”- wherever it
Truly, it is heartening to know that as a global community we are not daunted. We have recognized that the
youth population is crucial in the fight against corruption, because they are vibrant, talented and are masters
of social media, which has proven to be a powerful tool in the fight. With the continued support of our
partners, the OCG, once again pledges to play its part in ensuring the realization of Jamaica Vision 2030.
The OCG utilizes this opportunity to share the 2015 International Anti-Corruption Day Message of Mr. Ban
Ki-moon, Secretary General of United Nation, which may be accessed utilizing the web link