Rasta BlacSpade New Year’s Resolution is, More Love
Rastafarian singjay, Rasta BlacSpade, wants to see, more love over all things, throughout the New Year. This, he believes, will allow us and others to cultivate better values and attitudes.
“I make New Year’s resolutions all the time. But, I must confess that I do not always abide by everything. However, I have this feeling that we are too materialistic and forget real love.
A New Year’s resolution is a tradition most common in the Western World, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, changed an undesired trait or behaviour, accomplish a personal goal or otherwise.
Rasta BlacSpade feels that, “there is nothing wrong with improving our lives, but in so doing many of us step on others to reach our goals.
“The love of the things of this world has become a blindfold to the Importance of charity.
“As a conscious entertainer, I have to ensure that my songs send a positive message to educate, while entertaining my fans.
For example, Jah Jah lives is one such song which is educating our youths against hard drugs, as well as to teach them the importance of being positive role models.
Another song, Love Over All Things, is the title of my soon to be released Ep. This universal theme is embracing the love we should have for others.
For the New Year, 2024, Rasta BlacSpade will take his music to the four corners of the world by performing in as many countries.
“My songs are uplifting and well respected as I continue to support peace and unity.”
Rasta BlacSpade, born Wade Douglas, attended Tacius Golding High school in St. Catherine. He recorded his first song, Nuh Heart Nuh Leap, in 2012.
One of his biggest achievements is reaching the finals of the 2023 IRAWMA (International Reggae And World Music Awards). The song being, Not A Grammy, It’s IRAWMA, produced by Thug Chemist of Thug Chemist Muzik.