It was a packed University Chapel Mona, Jamaica W.I on Wednesday April, l2, 2017 that the former VP of Cable and Wireless Jamaica was was eulogized as a professional in the human resource development department of the company. He joined the company as a clerk in the material stores, and moved up the ranks to the level of v.p and head of the personnel & welfare department.
Photo: L/R Anne, son, and wife Nurse Lois Wilson Johnson widow of NJ all embrace URN.
Mrs. Anne McMorris Cover, a bank executive & NJ’s niece… in her tribute she described him as someone she loved who impacted positively on her early life and someone of humor. “When Neville and JTC parted company … he buckled, yet he started over … Uncle Wallie his brother passed and that also affected him. he was weakened but his sense of humor was intact.
He started in the stores and he was transplanted to personnel. “He joined the company with a BSC in economics and studied various other things like behavioral science, broadcasting and a host of other disciplines. he was concerned with staff retention and he introduce sports culture debating, and other competitions.
His focus was on health and welfare were legendary”. NJ was the best h/r manger one could find … he was well ahead of his time. he ws deeply involed with the merger of Jamintel and the jtco. he was very concerned about his personal health and he took god care of himself. He loved the cinema, jazz, reggae, Bob Marley, and thought a lot of himself. He loved the languages Spanish, French, and Latin. and he was always studying a new language.
“Death is something inevitable. when a man has done what he consider to be his duty to is people and his country; he can rest in peace”.
Photo: The Most Hon. Errald Miller & unidentified female above and Urn with Widow Lois Johnson … while late wife carried out URN out of the Chapel wth son..
Photo: Jemelia Davies (Jem) … ex employee f JTCO (Personnel Dept.)
Sermon- Pastor Ralston Getfield
“Blessed are those who die in the Lord. Have we so lived that when one parts this life, our works will live after us?. Good deeds follow him. Can our lives be an inspiration to those we leave behind? He has passed though the quiet chambers of death….. no further journey is expected”. There will be pain and grief….. do bear in mind that this is Holy Week.
it is not how long you live but the quality of our life”.
This was followed by Mr. Franklin Halliburton who rendered the Holy City, accompanied by Mr. Audley Davidson. The other officiating clergy was Rev. Lennox Scarlett.
Photo: L/r Ambassador Anthony Johnson, relatives of NJ and at right is Sen. Kamina Johnson Smith, relative of NJ..
Pastor Getfield lead congregants out of the Chapel
It was a dignified and well planned service which was conducted in a manner that even Neville Johnson (NJ) would have approved. Among the many persons in attendance was Ambassador Anthony Johnson, NJ’s brother, Senator The Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith, NJ’s niece, & foreign affairs & trade Minister in the Andrew Holness led Cabinet, The Most Hon. Errald Miller, husband of Portia Simpson Miller and former president of JTCO. Mr. Jackie Steward, former executive of JTCO, Pastr Winston Malcolm, frmer executive at Jtco and a host of former employees and long time associates of NJ.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie was there in dual capacities, having worked with NJ at JTCO for 10 years. Filed this story with pictures for Vision Newspaper.