
The Poetic Story Of The Passion Of Our Christ

April 2, 2021 | Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie |


As We Focus On His Passion

Let us never forget the real reason

To yearn for this Eastertide season

One of sacrifice and pain

To ultimately achieve heavenly gain

That of extending unconditional love

Symbolized by the proverbial dove

Not unlike the Prince of Peace

As we endeavour to seek and cause a witness to help in the increase

By through our life of spreading the word

To diverse regions of this troubled world

Evangelization should be our regular duty

That we should engage in duly

For forty days Jesus was tempted

Despite obvious deprivation He never relented

He never fell to this invasion

Which was not a wholesome situation

In a nutshell from God’s triumphant entry on Palm Sunday on a donkey

When palm branches & garments culminated the journey

Who could imagine that after such a Jerusalem merriment?

That on Good Friday would have led to Jesus’ death  & internment

As we reflect on our Saviour’s passion

Let us not forget the pain of Jesus’ crucifixion

Which is indeed a most sordid situation

And His unconditional love extended worthy of our ovation

In the West Indies we celebrate with bun and cheese

This is even combined with fish as you please

Fish as a protein is preferred over meat

This is the main gastronomical  treat

We thank God for shedding his blood that supreme sacrifice

Which is more than suffice

Avoiding the need to shed any further animal blood

A fact Christians have clearly understood


By Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie, poet, and veteran journalist also a devoted Christian with international exposure.


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