CanadaCanadian News

Trudeau and Mottley Discuss Haiti Crisis: A Unified Front for Stability

Ottawa, Ontario – In a pivotal conversation on May 1, 2024, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada engaged in a productive dialogue with Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados to address the multifaceted challenges plaguing Haiti. The discussion, held in Ottawa, Ontario, centered on the pressing need for political, security, and humanitarian solutions in the crisis-stricken nation.

Central to their discourse was the commendation of the newly formed Transitional Presidential Council in Haiti. Trudeau and Mottley expressed optimism that this council marks a significant stride toward the restoration of democratic governance. Furthermore, they articulated their collective hope that this development would facilitate the deployment of the United Nations-authorized Multinational Security Support mission, aimed at bolstering the Haitian National Police and fostering enduring stability in the country.

Trudeau took the opportunity to extend gratitude to Barbados and other Caribbean Community members for their unwavering support in fostering inclusive political dialogue within Haiti, emphasizing the imperative of Haitian-led solutions to the ongoing crisis.

Additionally, the leaders underscored the critical importance of mobilizing financial resources to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through collaboration with multilateral development banks, Trudeau and Mottley pledged to continue their joint efforts in securing the necessary funding to propel Haiti towards sustainable development and resilience.

Looking ahead, Trudeau and Mottley reaffirmed their commitment to advancing shared priorities and strengthening bilateral ties between Canada and Barbados. As the situation in Haiti remains fluid, both leaders pledged to maintain close communication and coordination to navigate the evolving challenges.


The dialogue between Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Mottley reflects a commendable commitment to collective action and regional solidarity in addressing the complex crisis in Haiti. By emphasizing the importance of Haitian-led solutions and mobilizing financial resources for sustainable development, both leaders exemplify the crucial role of international cooperation in confronting humanitarian crises.

As Haiti continues to grapple with political instability and socio-economic challenges, the collaboration between Canada and Barbados serves as a beacon of hope for the region. It is imperative for other nations to follow suit and join efforts to support Haiti on its path towards democracy, security, and prosperity. Through sustained engagement and concerted action, the international community can play a pivotal role in bringing about positive change and lasting stability in Haiti.

Alwin Marshall-Squire

Alwin Marshall-Squire is the Editor-in-Chief and Jamaican-Canadian Affairs Writer at Vision Newspaper - The Caribbean Update. With over two decades of experience, he is a dedicated advocate for amplifying Jamaican-Canadian voices. Alwin leads with vision, shaping the newspaper's editorial direction to reflect the diverse Jamaican Diaspora community. His insightful commentary and investigative reporting shed light on issues of identity and social justice, sparking crucial conversations and inspiring positive change. Alwin is not only a journalist but also a community leader, actively involved in initiatives promoting equity and representation. For feedback Alwin can be reached at

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