Jamaica April 25, 2016 Artiste, Promoter, Producer and TV personality Roshaun ‘Bay C’ Clarke has lent his immense star power to an extremely worthy cause.
Bay C, now a solo artiste formerly from Super Group T.O.K, has signed on as a Celebrity Patron for The One Health One Caribbean One Love Initiative (OHOCOL); set up to fight diseases such as Zika Virus and Chickungunya by encouraging a new approach between Human Doctors, Veterinary Doctors and Environmental Doctors.
The initiative, funded by the European Union, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation of Agriculture (IICA), believes that through collaborative efforts between the three disciplines, there is a stronger chance of fighting diseases as most diseases start from the environment, foster in animals and then transcend to people.
Bay C first got introduced to the players while working on his inaugural Blue Mountain Music Festival in 2014.
“While doing that event I got to meet many environmental doctors who I share a common passion with – that of a healthier environment. One of the Doctors I met, Dr. Chandra Degia, is part of the One Health Caribbean project and she invited me to be a part of it.” Bay C explained
For the initiative, twelve countries across the Caribbean including; Trinidad, Guyana, Jamaica, Belize and Grenada, create their own project. Bay C began his appearances in Jamaica in 2015; the latest sojourn saw him being invited to Guyana for the launch of their One Health project last week.
“In Guyana we are working on waste management, to encourage and implement healthier practices in disposing of waste in the homes and communities. I performed in a few primary and secondary high schools in Guyana as well as at the launch of the One Health Guyana Project.” Bay C added
Bay C has always been an advocate of improving environmental health and playing a role in overall world safety initiatives, he firmly believes that everyone has a role to play especially those who have the ears of the masses.
“There aren’t many artistes that leverage their popularity for causes such as these, but I do because I think the world needs a wakeup call. Climate change is real, diseases are real, and so if I can create more awareness in the general population then my talents are not only for fame but also for a cause, which is a win-win in my eyes.” Bay C admonished.
Bay C, who released a brand new solo EP entitled ‘Better Must Come’ in March, will be incorporating this new material in his performances throughout the region for the One Love Health Initiative, and will be heavily involved in the Jamaican arm of the project very soon.
He also will be heading to Europe in May on a one month promotional tour for his “Better Must Come” EP. Already the project has received rave international reviews.
To keep up with Bay C, fans can subscribe to his brand new visual platform BayCVevo on YouTube and follow on all social media platforms @baycmusic.