The Covid Environment

A Survivor of Covid Speaks Out
The Covid pandemic has been with us for just over a year now. There have been many terms being banded about. For example Social Distancing, keep away for a distance of six (6) feet. We also hear frequently used terms like comorbidities, vaccine Jabs, and quarantine period.
As we look at the Covid issue, be advised that comorbidities are as follows according to medical doctor, Dr. Jackie Duncan inter alia:
“This consist of any chronic medical condition like diabetes, cancer, lupus etc. These persons are at greater risk at contracting the coronavirus. Breathing difficulties can occur. “
Patient Reports
This is an exclusive interview that you will see no where else.
My friend Neville Rooms who is in his seventies has reported inter alia:
HO’C-D: How are you feeling now after your brush with the COVID Virus?
NR: “For nine (9) days, I was admitted to the Black River Public Hospital for symptoms closely associated with the Corona Virus.”
Neville Rooms spoke to the undersigned on his corona virus experience. He had tested positive for the coronavirus.
HO’CD: What happened to you for a short while. We lost contact ?
He spoke, I listened carefully, and quote him in his own words:
NR:. “I began to lose my appetite on or the Wednesday 10 the February 2021. Then I developed a cough that was dry and with cold. Then on Monday 14 the February 2021 I was placed in self quarantine at home. I began to develop a shortness of breath and lost of strength. On Friday the 23 road of February 2021, I drove myself to the hospital. My personal doctor recommend that I attend the health clinic.”
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie.
“My medications ran out for my preexisting medical condition. The pharmacy sent me some multivitamins and tablets. I took them for a week or so. I then decided to go to the hospital. I was told that I would be in the hospital for five (5) days. I did a chest x-ray. I have since did a blood test. I also got an x-ray. “
NR: “I got a touch of pneumonia. This caused a set back, so I spent a total of (9) nine days in hospital.”
HO’C-D: What went through your mind during all this?
NR: “I sang the song. “Under my wings” I sang it everyday. When I went to the hospital I could hardly stand up. My appetite is back and I am eating like a farmer’s ass. I am back to normal activities. In the mornings I feel fit and doing my chores. I feel exhausted by mid day. I get some sleep during the day. I do eat a lot.”
HO’C-D: How do you feel about your treatment in hospital?
NR: “I lift my hats off to the government run hospital, the nurses treated me well, and I plan to give them a donation along with a friend to do a fundraising for the hospital. My treatment there was excellent. I got oxygen and all. I have no complaints. I will ask the matron what she needs for the hospital. I big up the government.”
The treatment my friend got at the Black River Hospital is a great endorsement of the quality of a universal health care in Jamaica, which is free of cost to all. My friend Neville Rooms lived in England and his endorsement speaks volumes. He must have made a comparison with what he would have seen overseas where he has resided for about two decades.
Congrats to the Black River Hospital for a job well done.
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is a veteran journalist with a keen sense of social justice. He has international exposure.